in Graph Theory retagged by
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The number of ways to cut a six sided convex polygon whose vertices are labeled into four triangles using diagonal lines that do not cross is

  1. $13$
  2. $14$
  3. $12$
  4. $11$
in Graph Theory retagged by

2 Answers

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option B is correct. Let us take the vertices as A,B,C,D,E,and F. From A if we draw diagonals we get totaly new 4 triangles. From B also we get 4 new triangles, from C we get 3 new triangles and  D we get thre new triangles but from E and F we donot get any new triangles because we have already obtained the same while drawing diagonals from A,B,C,D .

Hence The Total Triangles Are 14 and the option B is correct.
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