in Set Theory & Algebra retagged by
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If $S$ be an infinite set and $S​_1​\dots\dots ,S​_n​$ be sets such that $S​_1 ​\cup S​_2​ \cup \dots \cup S​_n​ =S$, then

  1. at least one of the set $S​_i$​ is a finite set.
  2. not more than one of the sets $S​_i​$ can be finite.
  3. at least one of the sets $S​_i​$ is an infinite set.
  4. not more than one of the sets $S​_i​$ can be infinite.
in Set Theory & Algebra retagged by

1 Answer

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$S=S_{1}\bigcup S_{2}\bigcup S_{1}\bigcup S_{3}\bigcup S_{4}\bigcup..........\bigcup S_{n}$

And in question given that S is infinite set

in option A  is wrong  because it say  atleast one of the set $S_{​i}$ is a finite set means if all are finite then S is finite 

in option D not more than one of the sets$S_{​i}$  can be infinite means all are finite same as option  A .  if all are finite then S is finite 

in option B not more than one of the sets $S​_{i}$ can be finite means all $S_{​i}$  are  infinite,if all $S_{​i}$ are infinite so S is infinte so option B is true.

in option C at least one of the sets $S​_{i}$ ​ is an infinite set means if one set is infinite hole S is infinite so option C Is also true

but option C is more correct than option B because atleast one $S​_{i}$ is infinite cover all $S​_{i}$ ​​​​​​​ are infinite

all $S_{​i}$ are infinite $\subset$ atleast one $S​_{i}$ ​​​​​​​ is infinite

so ans is option C :-   S be an infinite set​​​​​​​ if at least one of the sets $S​_{I}$ ​ is an infinite set ​​​​​​​



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