in Operating System recategorized by
4 votes
4 votes

Process is in a ready state _______ .

  1. when process is scheduled to run after some execution
  2. when process is unable to run until some task has been completed
  3. when process is using the $CPU$
  4. none of the options
in Operating System recategorized by

3 Answers

1 vote
1 vote

Option A

when process is scheduled to run after some execution:-- Ready state

when process is unable to run until some task has been completed:--Blocked state

when process is using the CPU:--Running state

0 votes
0 votes
Ans : A) Redy state : when process is scheduled to run after some execution
0 votes
0 votes
  1. when process is scheduled to run after some execution ==> Ready State
  2. when process is unable to run until some task has been completed==> wait or block state 
  3. when process is using the CPU==> it is basically using cpu time  in the  running state

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