in Linear Algebra retagged by
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$M$ is a square matrix of order $’n’$ and its determinant value is $5.$ If all the elements of $M$ are multiple by $2,$ its determinant value becomes $40.$ The value of $’n’$ is

  1. $2$
  2. $3$
  3. $5$
  4. $4$
in Linear Algebra retagged by

2 Answers

5 votes
5 votes

$\left | k\times A_{n\times n} \right |=k^{n}\times\left | A_{n\times n} \right |$  (Reference: Determinant when multiplying a matrix by a constant)

$\therefore$ Let the original value of determinant be  $\Delta$  i.e.  $\Delta=5$

When each element of the matrix is multiplied by $2$, the resultant determinant becomes $40$

$\therefore$  $2^{n}\times 5=40 \Rightarrow 2^{n}=8 \Rightarrow n=3$

Option B is correct.

0 votes
0 votes
Option B..

The order of matrix is 3x3 matrix.

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