in Digital Signal Processing recategorized by
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In a microprocessor, WAIT states are used to 

  1. make the processor wait during a DMA operation 
  2. make the processor wait during a power interrupt processing
  3. make the processor wait during a power shutdown
  4. interface slow peripherals to the processor
in Digital Signal Processing recategorized by

1 Answer

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Option D Should be Correct.

wait state is a delay experienced by a computer processor when accessing external memory or another device that is slow to respond. Each of the cycles spent waiting is called a wait stateWait states are a pure waste of a processor's performance

Wait states are a pure waste of a processor's performance. Modern designs try to eliminate or hide them using a variety of techniques: CPU cache, instruction pipelining, instruction pre fetch , branch prediction, simultaneous multithreading and others. No single technique is 100% successful, but together can significantly reduce the problem.




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