in Computer Graphics recategorized by
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Memory mapped displays

  1. are utilized for high resolution graphics such as maps
  2. uses ordinary memory to store the display data in character form
  3. stores the display data as individual bits
  4. are associated with electromechanical teleprinters
in Computer Graphics recategorized by

2 Answers

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Memory mapped displays:- uses ordinary memory to store the display data in character form

In order to display text information on a computer screen we need some way to represent symbols and characters in the computer. Historically, all letters, numbers, and special symbols of the alphabet are coded in computers so each character is a unique 6- or 7-bit value called an ASCII byte. (The number of bits used depends on whether the lowercase is included in the character set.) In order to display the ASCII characters, circuits must be built that convert these bit-coded characters to images on the screen. Furthermore, the characters on the tv screen must be refreshed every 1/30 of a second in order to appear permanent to the eye.

In memory mapping a special area of the computer system's RAM is set aside to be the “screen” memory, that is, an area of memory devoted entirely to holding the ASCII characters that will appear on the screen display.

option B


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yes Option B is correct.

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