in Combinatory edited by
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Suppose that every student in a discrete mathematics class of $25$ students is a freshman, a sophomore, or a junior.

  1. Show that there are at least nine freshmen, at least nine sophomores, or at least nine juniors in the class.
  2. Show that there are either at least three freshmen, at least $19$ sophomores, or at least five juniors in the class
in Combinatory edited by

1 Answer

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Suppose, by way of contradiction, that the statement is not true. Then there are not more than 8 freshmen, not more than 8 sophomores and not more than 8 juniors. This means that there are 24(8+8+8=24) students. However, we know that there are 25 students. This creates a contradiction. Thus, we know that the statement must be true.


Suppose, by way of contradiction, that the statement is not true. Then there are not more than 2 freshmen, not more than 18 sophomores and not more than 4 juniors. This means that there are 24(2+18+4=24) students. However, we know that there are 25 students. This creates a contradiction. Thus, we know that the statement must be true.

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