in Analytical Aptitude
2 votes
2 votes

Each problem consists of three statements. Based on the first two statements, the third statement:

  1. All the offices on the $21^{\text{th}}$ floor have wall-to-wall carpeting.
  2. No wall-to-wall carpeting is blue.
  3. Some of the offices on the $21^{\text{th}}$ floor has blue wall-to-wall carpeting.

If the first two statements are true, the third statement is?

  1. Might be true
  2. True
  3. Might be false
  4. False
in Analytical Aptitude

1 Answer

1 vote
1 vote
All the offices on the $21^{\text{th}}$ floor has wall-to-wall carpeting. Now, none of the wall-to-wall carpeting is blue. So none of the offices on the $21^{\text{th}}$ floor  has blue wall-to-wall carpeting.
 So, the correct answer is $(D).$

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