in Computer Graphics edited by
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In the context of $3D$ Computer graphics, which of the following statements is/are correct?

  1. Under perspective projection, each set of parallel lines in the object do not stay parallel in the image (except those that are parallel to the viewplane to start with).
  2. Applying a perspective transformation in the graphics pipeline to a vertex involves dividing by its $’z’$ coordinate
  3. Perspective transformation is a linear transformation

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

  1. $(i)$ and $(ii)$ only
  2. $(i)$ and $(iii)$ only
  3. $(ii)$ and $(iii)$ only
  4. $(i)$, $(ii)$ and $(iii)$
in Computer Graphics edited by

1 Answer

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  1. Under perspective projection, each set of parallel lines in the object do not stay parallel in the image (except those that are parallel to the viewplane to start with). True  Perspective projection is not an affine transformation. it does not map parallel lines to parallel lines
  2. Applying a perspective transformation in the graphics pipeline to a vertex involves dividing by its ′z′ coordinate  True computer graphics  pipelinerendering pipeline or simply graphics pipeline, is a conceptual model that describes what steps a graphics system needs to perform to render a 3D scene to a 2D screen.
  3. Perspective transformation is a linear transformation  False 

Hence option A) (a) and (b) only is right ans


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