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Which of the following techniques deals with sorting the data stored in the computer’s memory?

  1. Distribution sort
  2. Internal sort
  3. External sort
  4. Radix sort
in Unknown Category edited by

3 Answers

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Option $(B)$ is correct.

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option D is the answer as they've mentioned in official answer key🔑 . With respect to this question B & D both makes sense but they preferred sticking to specific sorting name rather than method which comprises of different sorting techniques. 


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Internal sorting is a type of sorting which is used when the entire collection of data is small enough that sorting can take place within the main memory. There is no need for external memory for the execution of the sorting program. It is used when the size of the input is small.

Examples:- Bubble sort, insertion sort, quicksort, heapsort.

So, the correct answer is $(B).$

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