in Verbal Aptitude recategorized by
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“The increased consumption of leafy vegetables in the recent months is a clear indication that the people in the state have begun to lead a healthy lifestyle”

Which of the following can be logically inferred from the information presented in the above statement?

  1. The people in the state did not consume leafy vegetables earlier
  2. Consumption of leafy vegetables may not be the only indicator of healthy lifestyle
  3. Leading a healthy lifestyle is related to a diet with leafy vegetables
  4. The people in the state have increased awareness of healthy hazards causing by consumption of junk foods
in Verbal Aptitude recategorized by
Migrated from GO Mechanical 3 years ago by gatecse

2 Answers

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Best answer
  1. The people in the state did not consume leafy vegetables earlier
    No. “The increased consumption of leafy vegetables in the recent months”. Talk is about increased consumption and this cannot imply “no consumption” earlier.
  2. Consumption of leafy vegetables may not be the only indicator of healthy lifestyle
    May be true but nothing conclusive in the given passage.
  3. Leading a healthy lifestyle is related to a diet with leafy vegetables
    True. “The increased consumption of leafy vegetables in the recent months is a clear indication that the people in the state have begun to lead a healthy lifestyle
  4. The people in the state have increased awareness of healthy hazards causing by consumption of junk foods
    May be true. But nothing conclusive in the given passage.

Correct option: C.

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Option C –  Leading a healthy lifestyle is related to a diet with leafy vegetables.


Option A –  increased consumption of leafy vegetables. This part tells us that previously people in state used to consume leafy vegetables but it increased now.

Option B – Maybe or maybe not. Inconclusive

Option C –  The increased consumption of leafy vegetables in recent months is a clear indication that the people in the state have begun to lead a healthy lifestyle

Option D – Inconclusive 


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