in Analytical Aptitude recategorized by
4 votes
4 votes

The front door of $\text{Mr. X's}$ house faces East. $\text{Mr. X}$ leaves the house, walking $\text{50 m}$ straight from the back door that is situated directly opposite to the front door. He then turns to his right, walks for another $\text{50 m}$ and stops. The direction of the point $\text{Mr. X}$ is now located at with respect to the starting point is ____

  1. South-East
  2. North-East
  3. West
  4. North-West
in Analytical Aptitude recategorized by
Migrated from GO Mechanical 3 years ago by gatecse

1 Answer

6 votes
6 votes
Best answer

The front door of Mr. X's house faces East. Then the back door of Mr. X's house faces West (the back door that is situated directly opposite to the front door).

$\therefore$ The direction of the point $\text{Mr. X}$ is now located at with respect to the starting point is North-West.

So, the correct answer is $(D).$

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1 comment

One important point :- If the question had asked about direction with repect to final point then answer would have been south east.

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