in Verbal Aptitude recategorized by
6 votes
6 votes

Consider the following sentences:

  1. The number of candidates who appear for the $\text{GATE}$ examination is staggering.
  2. A number of candidates from my class are appearing for the $\text{GATE}$ examination.
  3. The number of candidates who appear for the $\text{GATE}$ examination are staggering.
  4. A number of candidates from my class is appearing for the $\text{GATE}$ examination.

Which of the above sentences are grammatically $\text{CORRECT}$?

  1. $\text{(i) and (ii)}$
  2. $\text{(i) and (iii)}$
  3. $\text{(ii) and (iii)}$
  4. $\text{(ii) and (iv)}$
in Verbal Aptitude recategorized by
Migrated from GO Mechanical 3 years ago by gatecse

1 Answer

4 votes
4 votes
Best answer

“The number of candidates” is singular and refers to the actual number. So, “is staggering” is correct.

“A number of candidates” is plural as here the number refers to a group of possibilities (from $\{1,2,3,4,\dots n\})$ and is hence plural. So, “are appearing” is correct.

Correct option: A.

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