in Spatial Aptitude recategorized by
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5 votes

The mirror image of the above text about the $\text{X}$-axis is

in Spatial Aptitude recategorized by
Migrated from GO Civil 3 years ago by Arjun

1 Answer

4 votes
4 votes
Best answer
The image of an object as seen in a mirror is its mirror reflection or mirror image. In such an image, the right side of the object appears on the left side and vice versa. Any object that has bilateral symmetry will have its mirror image the same as that of the object.

So, the correct answer is $(B).$
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1 comment

“the right side of the object appears on the left side and vice versa”

Your description seems for mirror image.


Actually question is 

The mirror image w.r.t X-axis means it is asking water image.

Please, correct if I am wrong.


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