in Written Exam
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I have lost my 1st sem marksheet,now i came to know that marksheets of each and every sem are required for admission
I have applied for a duplicate one but it will take more than a year.

in Written Exam

1 comment



Well, marksheet of the 6th semester will be required for gate exam or final year marksheet matters the most. But you should try to contact your college administration regarding same ..

Considering if it’s the final marksheet that you don't have, it's not a problem at all. Just have the provisional certificate and the clearance certificate from your college and that would be enough for you.

However, if marksheet of some other semester is missing, try reaching out to the university to reissue your marksheet. If that is not an option, a photocopy of the original could help....

If you're not a fresher, final marksheet is what counts along with pass certificate...


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