in IS&Software Engineering retagged by
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2 votes

A software organization has been assessed at SEI CMM Level 4. Which of the following does the organization need to practice beside Process Change Management and Technology Change Management in order to achieve Level 5?

  1. Defect Detection
  2. Defect Prevention
  3. Defect Isolation
  4. Defect Propagation
in IS&Software Engineering retagged by

2 Answers

4 votes
4 votes

In SEI CMM 5 phases are Initial -> Repeatable -> Defined -> Managed -> Optimized

where goal of the 5th phase is to prevent occurrence of defects .
3 votes
3 votes

If Organization have already achieved CMM Level 4 and in order to achieve CMM Level 5, then

organization should continuously improve the performance of their software/ projects. In order to

improve the performance they should focus on Defect Prevention, because lesser the defects in their

projects/ software then more optimized their process will be. Moreover, they have to practice Process

Change Management and Technology Change Management.


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