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Directions $(7$ − $8):$ In the given questions below, a statement is given followed by two conclusions numbered $\text{I}$ and $\text{II}$. You have to take the statement to be true. Read both the conclusions and decide which of the two or both follow from the given statement. Given answer :

  1. If only conclusion $\text{I}$ follows.
  2. If only conclusion $\text{II}$ follows.
  3. If either $\text{I}$ or $\text{II}$ follows.
  4. If neither $\text{I}$ nor $\text{II}$ follows.

A study of planning commission reveals boom in revenues. However, this has been of little avail owing to soaring expenditure. In the event, there has been a high dose of deficit financing, leading to marked rise in prices. Large financial outlays year after year had little impact on level of living.

  1. A boom in revenues leads to rise in prices.
  2. Large financial outlays should be avoided.
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