in Verbal Aptitude retagged by
13 votes
13 votes

The ____________ is too high for it to be considered _____________.

  1. fair / fare
  2. faer / fair
  3. fare / fare
  4. fare / fair
in Verbal Aptitude retagged by

5 Answers

11 votes
11 votes
Best answer

Answer : D

The $\color{red}{\text{fare}}$ is too high for it to be considered $\color{red}{\text{fair}}$.

$\color{red}{\text{Fare}}$ can either be a noun relating to the “price charged a person to travel” or a verb referring to succeeding, traveling, or eating.

$\color{red}{\text{Fair}}$ is an adverb related to “impartiality” or an adjective with many senses.

Fair as a noun also refers to any of various large public events.

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1 vote
1 vote
$\textbf{Answer: D}$


$\underline{\textbf{Fair:}}$ Its a noun, adverb or an adjective.

$\underline{\textbf{Fare:}}$: It's a verb or a noun.

$\textbf{Fair}$ means without any cheating or trick.

$\textbf{Fare}$ means cost or charge levied on something.
1 vote
1 vote
Answer: D

Fare means the money we spent.

Fair means showing equality and justice.

The fare is too high for it to be considered fair.
0 votes
0 votes
The answer should be D
Fare is related to charges and fair means the price is suitable or not.

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