in Combinatory retagged by
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If there are 9 students in a class and each team contain 3 students then how many number of ways 9 students can be partitioned into 3 teams?

Why is this not 9C3*6C3*3C3?
in Combinatory retagged by

1 Answer

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To make #1 group having 9C3 ways and #2 group having 6C3 ways and last #3 group have 1 way to make a group with remain students.
With ordered group total ways are 9C3 * 6C3 * 3C3.
But for unordered group  
9C3 * 6C3 * 3Cdivided by 3!.

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For ordered group consider that the teams are named A, B and C. For the other case assume that the team will be known by the captain's name.
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