in Combinatory edited by
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6 votes
In a certain land on a planet in a galaxy far away, the alphabet contains only $5$ letters which are $\text{A, I, L, S}$ and $\text{T}.$ All names are $6$ letters long, begin and end with consonants and contain exactly two vowels which are not adjacent to each other. Adjacent consonants must be different. How many possible names are there?
in Combinatory edited by

2 Answers

6 votes
6 votes

The possible positions for the two vowels are $(2, 4), (2, 5)$ and $(3, 5).$ Each of these results in two isolated consonants and two adjacent consonants. Thus the answer is the product of the following factors:

  1. choose the vowel locations $(3\;\text{ways});$
  2. choose the vowels $(2 \times 2 = 4 \;\text{ways});$
  3. choose the isolated consonants $(3 \times 3 = 9 \;\text{ways}); $
  4. choose the adjacent consonants $(3 \times 2 = 6\;\text{ways)}.$

The answer is $3 \times 4 \times 9 \times 6 = 648.$

This construction can be interpreted as a Cartesian product as follows. $\text{C1}$ is the set of lists of possible positions for the vowels, $\text{C2}$ is the set of lists of vowels in those positions, and $\text{C3}$ and $\text{C4}$ are sets of lists of consonants. Thus

  • $\text{C1} = \{(2, 4),(2, 5),(3, 5)\}$
  • $\text{C2} = \{\text{AA, AI, IA, II}\}$
  • $C3 = \{\text{LL, LS, LT, SL, SS, ST, TL, TS, TT}\}$
  • $C4 = \{\text{LS, LT, SL, ST, TL, TS}\}.$

For example, $((2,5), \text{IA, SS, ST})$ in the Cartesian product corresponds to the name $\text{SISTAS}.$

We can also solve this using the Rule of Sums. The possible vowel $\text{(V)}$ and consonant $\text{(C)}$ patterns for names are $\text{CCVCVC, CVCCVC}$ and $\text{CVCVCC.}$ Since these patterns are disjoint and cover all cases, we may compute the number of names of each type and add the results together. For the first pattern, we have a product of six factors, one for each choice of a letter$: 3\times 2 \times 2 \times 3 \times 2 \times 3 = 216.$ The other two patterns also give $216,$ for a total of $216 + 216 + 216 = 648$ names.

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it also includes ((3,5), IA , SS ,ST) right then it will form the name SSITAS which is invalid , since SS are coming together. then the whole method is wrong.

please reply.
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@Student sv

When position 3,5 are Vowels, we have $2 \times 2$ ways for Vowels.

Position 4, 6 are consonants, hence, $3 \times 3$ ways for those positions.

Position 1,2 are consonants, hence, $3 \times 2$ ways for those positions (as they must be different).

So, answer is correct.

With ((3,5)IA , SS ,ST), we get the word STISAS, Not SSITAS.

6 votes
6 votes


  1. The name must be 6 alphabet long.
  2. It must begin and end with a consonant.
  3. It should contain 2 nonadjacent vowels.
  4. Adjacent consonants must be different.

As per the above conditions the skeleton structure for the word is : C (p) (q) (r) (s) C , where p,q,r,s represent the position for  alphabets.

Now our aim is how can we populate these p,q,r as per the given conditions and for that we have only 3 cases.

  1. CVCV – [ 2*2*3*2 ways ]  because for first consonant we only have 2 favorable consonants satisfying property 4.
  2. VCVC – [2*3*2*2 ways ]
  3. VCCV – [2*3*2*2 ways ]

// $2^{3}$*3 = 24

So in all 3 * [ 24 + 24 + 24 ] * 3 = 648 names possible.


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Sorry to say, but you have left writing this constraint in your solution. 

"5th condition : Vowels are not adjacent."



@Udhay_Brahmi u can edit his answer rather than writing here 😁

I don't think I have powers to do so. 😅

But yeah, I think he got the point. 👍🏻

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