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Hey How is Gateoverflow test series .. better than other institutes, that means little harder than gate and quality of questions??. #Genuine answers please…


→ Questions are of good quality trust me in every question you have to apply your brain.

→ Very active community, if you have any doubt in any question just comment and other people will help you.

→ Error free test series.

→ Standard questions, every question is well framed without any sort of ambiguousness.

These are some points in which I felt GO test series is having an edge over other institutes test series.
GATE Overflow Subjectwise tests are designed to cover all possible topics from GATE CSE syllabus. So, the questions are not changing much every year unless syllabus changes. Due to same reason almost every minor mistakes have been corrected and there should not be any mistakes in the test series questions. There are some easy questions and some hard ones but most are at “normal” level as in actual GATE paper. A lot of numericals and MSQ questions are there. Full length mock tests are designed to be similar to actual GATE paper and should be tried mainly for time management.
Better idea can be obtained from the people who has taken both "x" and "y" test series and if those people comment here then I think you can compare “x” and “y” and decide which test series is good.

Finding error-free test series or test series with no ambiguous questions is very difficult unless all the questions are directly copied from good sources. Exams like gate has ambiguities then do you think that
test series would not have. But test series with "minimal error" and "less ambiguity" is always possible.
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Last year I have purchased 3 test series ME, Applied GATE and GateOverflow. I have not given all the topic and subject tests but I have attempted all the mock test.

Worst was the ME test series in most of the questions either question is wrongly framed or answers given are wrong. They don't even care to correct that questions. There is no doubt support.

Applied GATE was average good doubt support but questions were normal but it's okay its upto the GATE standard but in every mock test most of the question follow similar pattern so there no benefit in solving similar pattern of questions.

GateOverflow test series has wide variety of questions that too not so easy (what I felt). I literally struggled to score marks and that is very important to know your weak areas.
If people write like this then it would help to decide which test series should be selected. Whatever you have felt about various test series, you have written it. If we have to compare things then we should try to give as much as possible information (if we have). As it is already mentioned that test series is for time management and know about the weak areas, so, according to me, people should have to take as many as test series possible to manage time in exam but make sure they don’t take wrong concepts or half information about something and for that many Q&A sites like stackoverflow, math.stackexchange, cs.stackexchange, gateoverflow etc. are there to help.

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