in Combinatory retagged by
57 votes
57 votes
The coefficient of $x^{12}$ in $\left(x^{3}+x^{4}+x^{5}+x^{6}+\dots \right)^{3}$ is ___________.
in Combinatory retagged by


Very good method @Sourav.Sharma

The problem can read as :

You are given 3 buckets and you need to pick out 12 items, but each bucket only allows you to pick at least 3 items in one go (not less than that)

We can easily shift the origin from 3 to 0 (as 3 items are always compulsory to pick). So 9 will be picked anyway. We can only decide on the remaining 3.

And now we only need to pick 3 items (and we are allowed to pick any number of items starting from 1, 2,)

$\color{red}{\text{Detailed Video Solution:}}$ GATE 2016 Generating Function, Click HERE.

$\color{red}{\text{Generating Function Complete Playlist,}}$ ALL GATE Questions, Extended Binomial Theorem: 

Knowing the “Extended Binomial Theorem” makes Generating Function topic extremely easy. Watch the above playlist to learn everything, with Proof & Variations.



17 Answers

7 votes
7 votes

= [ x( 1 + x + x+ x+ ....................... ) ]3

= x( 1 + x + x+ x+.......................)3

= x(1 / ( 1 - x ) )3

= x( 1 / ( 1 - x ))

= x( ( 1 - x )-3 )

= x( 1 + (3)x + ( (3*4) / (1*2) ) x+ ( (3*4*5) / (1*2*3) ) x+...................................)

= x+ 3x10 + 6x11 + 10x12 +........................................................

Answer = 10

4 votes
4 votes

[x12](x3 + x4 + x5 +x6 +...)3 = [x3](1 + x + x2 + x3 +x4 +...)= [x3]((1-x)-1)3 =  [x3](1-x)-3

 = -3C3(-1)3 = 5C3(-1)3(-1)=  5C= 10

4 votes
4 votes

best way of solving these type of question...

4 votes
4 votes

Answer will be 10

we will see why

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