in Verbal Aptitude closed by
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closed as a duplicate of: GATE CSE 2023 | GA Question: 6

The country of Zombieland is in distress since more than 75% of its working population is suffering from serious health issues. Studies conducted by competent health experts concluded that a complete lack of physical exercise among its working population was one of the leading causes of their health issues. As one of the measures to address the problem, the Government of Zombieland has decided to provide monetary incentives to those who ride bicycles to work.

Based only on the information provided above, which one of the following statements can be logically inferred with certainty?
(A) All the working population of Zombieland will henceforth ride bicycles to work.

(B) Riding bicycles will ensure that all of the working population of Zombieland is free of health issues.

(C) The health experts suggested to the Government of Zombieland to declare riding bicycles as mandatory.

(D) The Government of Zombieland believes that riding bicycles is a form of physical exercise.

in Verbal Aptitude closed by


The question regarding $n$ and $n^2$ is already added.


The aptitude inference question about physical exercise needs to be added instead.

@Sachin Mittal 1 Sir

@GO Classes


In Zombieland , workers are affected by some problem, for which competent health experts say “it is due to lack of physical exercise” and recommend the physical exercise. The government provides fund to workers who moved to job through a bicycle.

We have to choose the correct appropriate ans from options which has a same meaning:

Option A: The Govt thinks that Cycling is a form of physical exercise.
Fixed 👍

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