in Mathematical Logic edited by
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Geetha has a conjecture about integers, which is of the form
\forall x(P(x) \Longrightarrow \exists y Q(x, y)),
where $P$ is a statement about integers, and $Q$ is a statement about pairs of integers. Which of the following (one or more) option(s) would imply Geetha's conjecture?

  1. $\exists x(P(x) \wedge \forall y Q(x, y))$
  2. $\forall x \forall y Q(x, y)$
  3. $\exists y \forall x(P(x) \Longrightarrow Q(x, y))$
  4. $\exists x(P(x) \wedge \exists y Q(x, y))$
in Mathematical Logic edited by

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ans is b,c or c,d.??     some are telling c,d is the answer??

5 Answers

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Let’s assume for simplicity: 

  • $x$ and $y$ are from a set of names of students
  • $P(x)$ reads “$x$ is a girl”
  • $Q(x,y)$ reads “$y$ likes $x$”

Then the given logic:

S: $\forall x\bigl(P(x)\implies\exists y(x,y)\bigr)$ reads as:

“For all students ($x$), if $x$ is girl then there exists at least one student ($y$), such that $y$ likes $x$”


Option A: $\exists x\bigl(P(x) \land \forall y Q(x,y)\bigr)$ reads as:

“There exists at least one student ($x$) such that $x$ is a girl and for all students ($y$) $y$ likes $x$”

This can be true if all students like just one girl but S reads that for every girl there is a student who likes her.

So A doesn’t imply S


Option B: $\forall x \forall y Q(x,y)$ reads as:

“For all students ($x$) there are all students ($y$) such that $y$ likes $x$”

Everybody likes everybody. This implies S because then $Q(x,y)$ becomes always true or RHS of S becomes always true

If you have trouble understanding then think like this, try to impose statement B on S and check whether S is still true.

B can be reframed as: For all students ($x$) irrespective of whether $x$ is a girl or not, all students ($y$) like $x$

So B implies S


Option C: $\exists y \forall x \bigl( P(x) \implies Q (x,y) \bigr)$ reads as:

“There exists at least one student ($y$) for all students ($x$) such that if $x$ is a girl then $y$ likes $x$” 

For all students ($x$) if $x$ is a girl then there exists at least one student ($y$) who likes all girls

So C implies S


Option D: $\exists x\bigl(P(x) \land \exists y Q(x,y)\bigr)$ reads as:

“There exists at least one student ($x$) such that $x$ is a girl and there exists at least one student ($y$) such that $y$ likes $x$”

This can be true if for only one girl there is a student who likes her but S reads for all girls there is a student who likes them.

So D doesn’t imply S

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