in Operating System retagged by
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Does Waiting Time and Response TIme remains the same in Preemptive Scheduling Algorithm???
in Operating System retagged by

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No, waiting time and response time do not remain the same in preemptive scheduling algorithms.

In preemptive scheduling algorithms, a running process can be interrupted and suspended to allow a higher priority process to execute. When the original process resumes, it may have to wait for its turn to execute again. This waiting time will be counted towards the total waiting time for the process.

Similarly, in preemptive scheduling algorithms, the response time for a process is the time from when the process enters the ready queue until it starts its execution. If the process is interrupted and suspended before it can start its execution, the response time will be longer than if it had been allowed to run without interruption.

Therefore, in preemptive scheduling algorithms, the waiting time and response time for a process can vary depending on when it is interrupted and how long it has to wait before it can resume its execution

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