in Quantitative Aptitude edited by
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2 votes

The number $7^{45}$ has the last two digits as?

  1. $07$
  2. $23$
  3. $49$
  4. $43$
in Quantitative Aptitude edited by

1 Answer

4 votes
4 votes
To find the last two digits of a number in general, we need to take the remainder when the number is divided by $100.$

For this particular case, we can use modular arithmetic and the concept of cyclicity of the last two digits of powers of $7.$

The last two digits of the powers of $7$ repeat in a cycle of $4: 07,49,43,01,07,49, 43,01,$  and so on.

Therefore, we can find the last two digits of $7^{45}$ by finding the remainder when $45$ is divided by $4,$ which is $1.$

Thus, the last two digits of $7^{45}$ are the same as the last two digits of $7^1,$ which is $07.$

Therefore, the answer is option A) $07.$
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