in Mathematical Logic edited by
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6 votes

Which of the following expressions is false?

  1. $p \rightarrow q \equiv q \rightarrow p$
  2. $\neg(p \vee q) \equiv \neg p \wedge \neg q$
  3. $p \rightarrow q \equiv \neg q \rightarrow \neg p$
  4. none of the above
in Mathematical Logic edited by

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3 Answers

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3 votes
  1. $p \rightarrow q$ is not equal to $q \rightarrow p$ and hence not equivalent.
  2. $\neg(p \vee q) = \neg p \wedge \neg q$ (Using De-Morgans Law) and hence equivalent.
  3. $p \rightarrow q$ $=$ $\neg q \rightarrow \neg p$ (Contrapositive) and hence equivalent.
  4. none of the above. 

Therefore, the false expression is option A and hence the correct answer.

2 votes
2 votes

(A) : q → p is converse of p → q and they are not equal. So its a false statement.

[Truth table can help in proving this] 

       p→ q is false when p is True, q is false.

       q→ p is false when q is True, p is false.

       Thus they cannot be equivalent (or equal)


(B) : ~(p V q) = ~p ^ ~q (by De -morgan’s law). So its a correct statement.


(C) : p → q = ~q → ~p (by contrapositive property). So its a correct statement.


Thus, the correct answer to this question would be option (A)

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0 votes

Only option A is False.


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