in Mathematical Logic edited by
3 votes
3 votes

Consider the following two statements:    
i. Sentence $\textit{Neither A nor B}$ can be represented by $A \downarrow B$ where $\downarrow$ is used in Boolean circuits for $\textit{nor}$ function.   
ii. Sentence $\textit{not at once A and B}$ can be represented by $A \uparrow B$ where $\uparrow$ is used in Boolean circuits for $\textit{nand}$ function.  
Which one of the following is correct?   

  1. Only $(i)$ is correct    
  2. Only $(ii)$ is correct    
  3. Both $(i)$ and $(ii)$ are correct    
  4. None of the above
in Mathematical Logic edited by

1 Answer

2 votes
2 votes
Best answer
  1. $Neither$ $A$ $nor$ $B$ $\equiv$ $\neg (A \vee B) \equiv A \downarrow B$
$A$ $B$ $A \vee B$ $\neg (A \vee B)\equiv A \downarrow B$
$F$ $F$ $F$ $T$
$F$ $T$ $T$ $F$
$T$ $F$ $T$ $F$
$T$ $T$ $T$ $F$
  1. $not$ $at$ $once$ $A$ $and$ $B$ $\equiv \neg (A \wedge B) \equiv A \uparrow B$
$A$ $B$ $A\wedge B$ $\neg (A \wedge B) \equiv A \uparrow B$
$F$ $F$ $F$ $T$
$F$ $T$ $F$ $T$
$T$ $F$ $F$ $T$
$T$ $T$ $T$ $F$


Both are correct.

Ans: C. Both (i) and (ii) are correct.

Some points about “neither .. nor to logic translation”:

Similar logic you can use also for “not at once .… and to logic translation”.

NOTE: Truth tables to show how they are equivalent. 

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