in Verbal Aptitude recategorized by
5 votes
5 votes

Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following
Given the seriousness of the situation that he had to face, his ___ was impressive.

  1. beggary
  2. nomenclature
  3. jealousy
  4. nonchalance
in Verbal Aptitude recategorized by

2 Answers

6 votes
6 votes
Best answer

Beggary - means poverty which is not suiting here
Nomenclature - is choosing names for things which also seems wrong
Jealousy - Wrong
So, the Correct Option is D
Nonchalance - means casualness or the state of being relaxed.

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2 votes
2 votes

nonchalance means appearing calm and relaxed which is the best option to complete the sentence

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