in Quantitative Aptitude edited by
11 votes
11 votes

A number is as much greater than $75$ as it is smaller than $117$. The number is:

  1. $91$
  2. $93$
  3. $89$
  4. $96$
in Quantitative Aptitude edited by

2 Answers

14 votes
14 votes
Best answer
$D$. 96

Let the number be $x$. Writing equation,

$x - 75 = 117-x$.

$2 \times x = 192$

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We can also take the difference between the two numbers like (117-75 ) which is 42 and divide by 2 . we will get 21 . We can either add 21 to 75 or subtract 21 from 117 to get the required answer 96.
1 vote
1 vote
75 <= X <=117

MEAN = (75+117) / 2 = 96

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