in Programming in C edited by
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3 votes


void print(int n)
    printf("Hello ");
    if(n++ == 0) return ;

int main()
    void print();

How many times printf execute?? And How ??

in Programming in C edited by


In function definition of print you passed the parameter ( print (int n) ) but in main you havent give the value  ,  Also in main function you have called the print function which is wrong we dont call function like this by giving return value ..
btw this is the only  function definition and u can do it  in anywhere in the main out side the main it doesn’t matter  and by default function definition is extern and this means u are telling to the compiler that there is a function in this file or may be another file this is completely right code .
5 times its printed for -4,-3-2-1 and 0.
in function we have printf before the condition checking
so after printing we are checking the condition

3 Answers

2 votes
2 votes




  • It defines a recursive function named print which takes an integer parameter n.
  • The function prints "Hello " to the console.
  • It then checks if n++ (post-increment) is equal to 0.
    • If the condition is satisfied, the function immediately returns.
  • Otherwise, the function calls itself recursively with the incremented value of n and increments n again.
  • In the main function:
    • There is a redundant declaration of the print function without any arguments.
    • The print function is called with the argument -4.
  • The execution proceeds as follows:
    • "Hello " is printed to the console.
    • The condition n++ == 0 is evaluated, but not satisfied.
    • The print function is called recursively with the value of n incremented to -3.
    • "Hello " is printed again.
    • The condition n++ == 0 is evaluated, but not satisfied.
    • The print function is called recursively with the value of n incremented to -2.
    • This process continues until n reaches 0, with "Hello " being printed at each step.
    • When n finally reaches 0, the condition n++ == 0 is satisfied, and the function returns without making any further recursive calls.
  • The output of the program will be "Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello ".
  • It's important to note that the behavior of the code assumes n starts with a negative value and is decremented by 1 in each recursive call.
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1 vote
1 vote
The `print` function in the given code is recursive, which means it calls itself repeatedly until a certain condition is met. Let's analyze the code step by step to determine how many times `printf` is executed.

1. In the `main` function, the `print` function is declared as `void print();`. However, this declaration is unnecessary since the `print` function is already defined above.

2. The `print` function is called with the argument `-4`.

3. Inside the `print` function:
   - The string "Hello " is printed using `printf`.
   - The condition `n++ == 0` is evaluated. Since the value of `n` is initially `-4`, the condition evaluates to false (`-4++` is not equal to 0).

4. The `print` function is recursively called with the argument `n` incremented by 1.

5. Inside the second call of the `print` function:
   - The string "Hello " is printed again.
   - The condition `n++ == 0` is evaluated. This time, `n` is `-3` (since it was incremented by 1 in the previous call). The condition again evaluates to false (`-3++` is not equal to 0).

6. The `print` function is recursively called again with `n` incremented by 1.

7. This recursive process continues until `n` reaches 0. The `print` function is called a total of 5 times (including the initial call). The value of `n` in each call will be: -4, -3, -2, -1, 0.

8. When `n` becomes 0, the condition `n++ == 0` evaluates to true, and the function returns without any further recursive calls.

In conclusion, the `printf` statement is executed 5 times in total, each time printing the string "Hello ".

1 comment

I think you didn’t notice n++ after the recursive call in print() block. The final value of n would be 1.


0 votes
0 votes
5 times