in IISc/IITs
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I need some honest help
So I feel like going to IIT guwahati for mtech in cse but at the same time I am also feeling that not choosing higher IIT's can be a mistake. People say that placements are same in all old IIT's but whenever they hear about my choice regarding guwahati they somehow seem not that enthusiastic. Please if anyone can offer any help it is appreciated. I am looking for IIT with decent enough placement in cse and hostel with single accomodation.

Seniors who went through this phase and are settled, your help is much appreciated.
in IISc/IITs


Getting a placement is not the end of life. Most people change their jobs within 1-3 years of their Masters. So, the knowledge and experience during Masters matter throughout the life.
Can you please elaborate, I am still confused between IIT g and IIT kgp
These things are made by society. Some people judge some good institutes based on ranking system which is based on some parameters or some influencers influence them by comparing institutes like X vs Y or X>Y.
Whether it is IIT-G or IIT-KGP both are great institutes for computer science in terms of learning and placements and anyone would not be disappointed by choosing any one of them.

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