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The following table shows the number of employees in an organization in five different Cities-Delhi, Mumbai, Bangaluru, Hydrabad and Gurgaon with total number of employees being $4260$ in the organization, along with the percentage (%) distribution of employees working in four departments -HR, Finance, IT and Accounts. Based on the data in the table answer the questions that follows.

City-wise details of Employees in an Organization

Note: 1 . Some values are missing in the table (marked as '_.) that you are expected to calculate if required.
          2. Each employee works in only one department.

If the number of employees in Bengaluru is $10 \%$ less than the number of employees in Hydrabad, then the total number of employees who work in Finance and Accounts departments of the organization is more than $415$ in exactly________ cities.

  1. two
  2. three
  3. four
  4. five
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1 Answer

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Total employees in Hyderabad + Bangaluru $ = 4260 \ – \ (900 + 760 + 700) = 1900 $

If Hyderabad has $x$ employees then $x \times 0.9 = 1900 \ i.e\ \ x = 1000$

So no of employees in Hyderabad $: 1000 $

No of employees in Hyderabad $: 900 $


Total number of employees who work in Finance and Accounts departments $:$


Hyderabad $: 1000 \times (25 + 35) $%$\  =  600$

Bangaluru $: 900 \times (20 + 32) $%$\  =  468$

Gurgaon $: 700 \times (22 + 20) $%$\  =  294$

Delhi  $: 900 \times (18 + 28) $%$\  =  414$

Mumbai $: 760 \times (100 -15 - 30) $%$\  =  418$


So total no of employees who work in Finance and Accounts departments of the organization is more than $415$ in exactly $3$ cities.


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