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So, i have started preparation from 1st of August with TOC and planned to complete it by 15th of August.

Everything was going according to planned, until i got hit Undecidability, whole planning went down to drain, its 20th and i still didn’t manage to complete entire subject.

I set some goals to complete 30 PYQs, end up only doing 4 because i couldn’t understand the concept properly in those 4 questions and wanted to have a total conceptual grasp.

Am i doing something wrong?

I feel like i need to understand properly and it is taking time, i hear toppers saying they complete entire subject with lectures, PYQs and Test series in 10 to 15 days and i am not able to fathom how are they doing it?

Please help me understand what i might be doing wrong, would love your suggestion.

Thank you for reading through



why do you want to finish any technical subjects in $15$ days?  you said everything is going according to your plan but still you cannot understand the concepts then there is a loophole.
Actually, for the first 10 days, i completed topics like RL, CFL, PDA etc

When i started with undecidability, i thought i am understanding everything but solving PYQs made me realise that there is so much more to learn

1 Answer

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First of all remove the mentality that some toppers said they finished xyz subj within 10 to 15 days means you also have to finish that subj within this much days. Its totally depends on person to person.

Toc is one of the lengthy subj many points there to understand and it takes time to cover all those and then followed by pyqs.

So better to take time, understand the concepts clearly and in-depth, for this even if it takes 1 month or more then 1 month still its ok.

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