in Verbal Aptitude recategorized by
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In a recently held parent-teacher meeting, the teachers had very few complaints about Ravi. After all, Ravi was a hardworking and kind student. Incidentally, almost all of Ravi's friends at school were hardworking and kind too. But the teachers drew attention to Ravi's complete lack of interest in sports. The teachers believed that, along with some of his friends who showed similar disinterest in sports, Ravi needed to engage in some sports for his overall development.

Based only on the information provided above, which one of the following statements can be logically inferred with certainty?

  1. All of Ravi's friends are hardworking and kind.
  2. No one who is not a friend of Ravi is hardworking and kind.
  3. None of Ravi's friends are interested in sports.
  4. Some of Ravi's friends are hardworking and kind.
in Verbal Aptitude recategorized by
Migrated from GO Mechanical 6 months ago by Arjun

1 Answer

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Let’s understand each option one by one.

  1. All of Ravi's friends are hardworking and kind.
    • This statement cannot be inferred with certainty because the information only mentions that ${\color{Red} \text{“almost all"}}$ of Ravi's friends are hardworking and kind, not necessarily every single one.
  2. No one who is not a friend of Ravi is hardworking and kind.
    • This statement cannot be inferred from the given information as we have no data about the characteristics of individuals who are not Ravi's friends.
  3. None of Ravi's friends are interested in sports.
    • This statement cannot be inferred with certainty because the information only mentions that ${\color{Magenta}\text{“some"} }$ of Ravi's friends show disinterest in sports, not necessarily all of them.
  4. Some of Ravi's friends are hardworking and kind.
    • This statement can be logically inferred with certainty. Since it is stated that ${\color{Red} \text{“almost all"}}$ of Ravi's friends at school were hardworking and kind, it is certain that at least ${\color{Magenta}\text{“some"} }$ of his friends possess these qualities.

Therefore, option D is the correct statement that can be logically inferred with certainty from the information provided.


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