in Verbal Aptitude edited by
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Which one of the options does NOT describe the passage below or follow from it?

We tend to think of cancer as a 'modern' illness because its metaphors are so modern. It is a disease of overproduction, of sudden growth, a growth that is unstoppable, tipped into the abyss of no control. Modern cell biology encourages us to imagine the cell as a molecular machine. Cancer is that machine unable to quench its initial command (to grow) and thus transform into an indestructible, self-propelled automaton.

[Adapted from The Emperor of All Maladies by Siddhartha Mukherjee] 

  1. It is a reflection of why cancer seems so modern to most of us.
  2. It tells us that modern cell biology uses and promotes metaphors of machinery. 
  3. Modern cell biology encourages metaphors of machinery, and cancer is often imagined as a machine.
  4. Modern cell biology never uses figurative language, such as metaphors, to describe or explain anything.
in Verbal Aptitude edited by
Migrated from GO Electrical 7 months ago by Arjun

1 Answer

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The option that does NOT describe the passage or follow from it is:

"Modern cell biology never uses figurative language, such as metaphors, to describe or explain anything."

The passage doesn't make any claim or imply that modern cell biology never uses figurative language or metaphors. In fact, the passage discusses how modern cell biology encourages us to imagine the cell as a molecular machine and how cancer is often described metaphorically as a machine. Therefore, the statement in option (D) is not supported by the passage.

Correct Answer: D


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