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I want to do a master's from India. What exams should I take besides GATE to get admission in one of the good institutes and what is the timing when they roll their forms out?

For exams, I know about BITS pilani and IIIT Hyderabad ( I don’t know about their application filling timing though)

Plz Guide me through this.
in GATE retagged by

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In India, there are many good institutes like ISI, CMI, IMSc, IIITH, IIITD, TIFR, IISc, IITs in the field of Computer Science, Mathematics, Data Science and Machine Learning etc.

Apart from gate, you can consider the following options for your masters because they conduct their own exams:

(1) ISI-K: If you have an interest in Data Science and Machine Learning or Mathematics and Statistics or Theoretical Computer Science then you can go for ISI. It conducts its own exam in May/June and form comes after the gate exam.

Education is FREE at ISI. There is no education fee and you get the stipend of 12,400 per month. This is a research institute and apart from research mostly companies come here for Date Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer, Analyst/Quantitative Analyst etc and placement is similar to IITs and IISc and you have an option for PhD abroad in a good university. 

You can explore other good courses like PGDBA(jointly offer by ISI,IIM-C,IIT-KGP),Crs(Cryptology), QROR  etc.   

(2) CMI: This is also a good research institute and mostly focuses in theoretical computer science and mathematics. It conducts its own exams like MSc in Computer Science and MSc in Data Science. Application forms comes in April/May I guess and exam happens after the ISI exam. (It might vary so you can check the previous year data)

(3) IIIT-H: Its own exam for computer science is known as PGEE  and it has a good coding culture. So if you have more interest in systems/intelligent systems then you can go for it. Application forms comes after gate in Feb and exams happens in April/May.

(4) IIIT-D: It takes candidates from both gate and non-gate channels. For non-gate, they conduct their own exam after gate. It also has a good coding culture. So if you have more interest in systems/intelligent systems then you can go for it.

(5) BITS: It conducts its own exam for masters which is known as BITS-HD and application form and exam happens after the gate. 

You can also also consider IMSc, Chennai for the JRF and it takes exam through JEST exam which also just happens after gate and forms comes before the gate exam but remember it is for research. So if you have interest in research then you can go for it.

So, summary is, for other exams apart from gate, you have to visit the sites of these institutes after gate and till June.

Let me know if you have any other doubt.


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