in Quantitative Aptitude edited by
12 votes
12 votes

A five digit number is formed using the digits $1,3,5,7$ and $9$ without repeating any of them. What is the sum of all such possible five digit numbers?

  1. $6666660$ 
  2. $6666600$ 
  3. $6666666$
  4. $6666606$
in Quantitative Aptitude edited by


$Total\ 5\ digit\ \#'s=5\times 4\times 3\times 2\times 1=120$

$First\ \#=13579$

$last\ \#=97531$


@`JEET @Lakshman Patel RJIT

Is this the right approach ?

Yeah it's seems right.
Yeah this worked here just as a matter of coincidence because, all the no you will get here by using given digits will be in AP, but say if digits were 1,2,5,9 then it won’t work
This is totally wrong approach. Its the sum for the arithmetic sequence and clearly doesn’t fits the permutation sum.
@KUSHAGRA गुप्ता,

No, by this approach, we are ignoring the fact where digits gets repeated in the number.Your first number is : 13579, There will come a number say 13599, here 9 gets repeated, which is not allowed as per the question.

6 Answers

25 votes
25 votes
Best answer


Consider the digits $1,2,3$.

The possible numbers are $\{123,132,213,231,312,321\}$, count  = $3! = 6$.

  • Consider the cases where the digit $3$ is at the unit position. The number of such numbers (fix $3$ at unit, permute the rest) will be $(3-1)! = 2!$. In all such cases, the $3$ digit will contribute a $3$ to the final sum. Total = $2! \times 3$
  • Consider the cases where the digit $3$ is at the decimal position. The number of such numbers  (fix $3$ at decimal, permute the rest) will be $(3-1)! = 2!$. In all such cases, the $3$ digit will contribute a $30$ to the final sum. Total = $2! \times 30$
  • Consider the cases where the digit $3$ is at the hundreds position. The number of such numbers  (fix $3$ at hundreds, permute the rest) will be $(3-1)! = 2!$. In all such cases, the $3$ digit will contribute a $300$ to the final sum. Total = $2! \times 300$

In total, the digit $3$ contributes $2! \times (3+30+300) = 2! \times 333$ to the final sum.

The same happens for all other digits.

Hence, the net sum (for the original question) will be:

$(5-1)! \times (11111 + 33333 + 55555 + 77777 + 99999)$

Note: $(5-1)!$ = the number of permutations after fixing $1$ digit. $11111 \ldots$ because the digit $1$ contributes a $1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000$ to the final sum.

Required Answer = $6666600$.

Hence, option B is correct.

selected by


For more explanation

(for non zero digits)

(digits which include zero)

Very good approach
25 votes
25 votes
There are $5!$ numbers possible without repetition of digits and each of the five digits repeats $4!$ times at left most position and similarly for all other digit positions this repetition is $4!$. So, we can get the sum of numbers as

$ 4! \times (1+3+5+7+9) \times 10^4 $
$+ 4! \times (1+3+5+7+9) \times 10^3 $
$+ 4! \times (1+3+5+7+9) \times 10^2 $
$+ 4! \times (1+3+5+7+9) \times 10 $
$+ 4!(1+3+5+7+9) $
$= 6000000 + 600000 + 60000 + 6000 + 600 $
$= 6666600.$

1 comment

This formula can further be simplified as:

(|n|-1)! *(11... m times)*(sum of the digits in set n)


m is the no of digits in the resultant number

is the set of digits (in this case {1,3,5,7,9})

|n| is cardinality of n

3 votes
3 votes
Number of combinations = $5!$

There are 120 combinations of 5 digit number consisting of 1,3,5,7,9

So the most obvious thing we can extract from this information is that every digit $(1,3,5,7,9)$ will be occurring 120 times and also that every digit will be occurring $\frac{120}{5} = 24$ times at each place value.

sum of one's position while adding = $(24 * 1) + (24 * 3) + (24 * 5) + (24 * 7) + (24 * 9) = 600 $

Carrying 60 to tens place we got ones digit of sum which is $0$

now adding all digits at tens place $600+60 = 660$

Carrying 66 to hundreds place we got tens place digit which is $0$

now adding all digits at hundreds place $600+66 = 666$

Carrying 66 to hundreds place we got tens place digit which is $6$

we already ommited all the options and are left with  option B with just last 3 digits of the sum but still adding and carrying will give $6666600$
1 vote
1 vote

Using digits $1\mid 2\mid 3\mid \dots \mid n$

Sum of all possible $n$-digit number $ = \dfrac{n!}{n}(1+2+3+\dots + n)(10^{0} + 10^{2} + 10^{3} + \dots + 10^{n-1})$

Here,digits are $1\mid 3\mid 5\mid 7\mid 9$

Sum of all possible $5$-digit number $ = \dfrac{5!}{5}(\underbrace{1+3+5+7+9}_{\dfrac{5}{2}(1+9) = 25})(\underbrace{10^{0} + 10^{2} + 10^{3} +10^{4}}_{\dfrac{10^{5}-1}{9} = 11111})$

$ \implies \dfrac{120}{5}\times 25 \times 11111 = 600\times 11111 = 6666600 $

So, the correct answer is $(B).$

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@Lakshman Patel RJIT sir can you plz explain this silly doubt 

M Not able to visualize why divided by 5?

We need to form a $5$-digit number.

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