in Analytical Aptitude
2 votes
2 votes

Find the odd one from the following group:

$W,E,K,O \qquad      I,Q,W,A\qquad        F,N,T,X\qquad       N,V,B,D$ 

  1. $W,E,K,O$ 
  2. $I,Q,W,A $
  3. $F,N,T,X $
  4. $N,V,B,D$
in Analytical Aptitude

2 Answers

9 votes
9 votes
Best answer
Ans is (D)

the no of alphabet between B,D in N,V,B,D is 1 while in other 3 sets, it is 4. Alphabet sequence in all the sets are obtained by adding 8,6,4 respectively to the previous one in sequence.
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 alphabet between B, and D is 1 while in the other 3 sets it is 3 (i think correction is required in the above solution)

and how we are getting “Alphabet sequence in all the sets by adding 8,6,4 respectively to the previous one in sequence.” I  don't understand.


3 votes
3 votes

W E K O ->  W E (+6=NEXT Digit) K O

I Q W A -> I Q (+6=NEXT Digit) W A

F N TX -> F N (+6 =NEXT Digit) T X

N V B D -> N V (-20=NEXT Digit) B D

option "D" only odd one 


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