in IISc/IITs edited by
7 votes
7 votes
For those of you who have taken admission into NITs/IIITs and prepared for GATE, I would like to ask you a few questions :

A) How would you estimate the work load from the colleges in case of NITs ?

Roughly how many hours on daily basis is required ?

In a rough sense how hectic was it for you to manage NITs( course load and GATE prep ?

Do the work load vary drastically from the courses enrolled (i.e Information  security work load vs CSE work load vs software engg. work load etc.)


B) Do all NITs + college under CCMT provide on-campus, hostels + Internet for M.Tech students  ?

(you might laugh at this one but , I am in one such college where M.Tech guys don't live on-campus , hence the question .)



In your own experience , what where the factors which you think can hinder someone's preparation for GATE , while simultaneously doing M. Tech from NITs/IIITs ?


Do we need to refund the fees if someone leaves the M.Tech degree in the middle ?


Sharing your experience of preparing for GATE while simultaneously doing Masters from some colleges, might help many of us to make better and informed decision .
in IISc/IITs edited by

1 comment

As an edit you might want to add the following:-

You forgot the stipend part,where we have to refund the entire stipend in case we leave the respective IIT/NIT next year? Which IIT/NIT is known to have asked for a refund in case you are leaving in the middle of a degree.

Waiting for a reply from the seniors who knows or have experienced this.

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