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Consider the following algorithm that takes as input a positive integer $n$.

if (n == 1) {
return "Neither prime nor composite."
while (m < n) {
if (m divides n ){
return "Composite."
return "Prime."

If $n$ is a number of the form $n=p^{2} q^{3} r^{4}$ where $p, q, r$ are natural numbers greater than 1 , how many times does the while loop in the algorithm run?
In the options below, for any real number $m,\lceil m\rceil$ denotes the least integer greater than or equal to $m$.

  1. The while loop runs at most $\left\lceil n^{1 / 9}\right\rceil$ times for all natural numbers $p, q, r$ greater than one.
  2. The while loop runs at most $\left\lceil n^{1 / 9}\right\rceil$ times only if $p, q, r$ are all distinct.
  3. The while loop runs at most $\left\lceil n^{1 / 9}\right\rceil$ times only if at least two of $p, q, r$ are distinct.
  4. The while loop runs at most $\left\lceil n^{1 / 9}\right\rceil$ times only if $p, q, r$ are distinct primes.
  5. The while loop runs at most $\left\lceil n^{1 / 9}\right\rceil$ times only if $p, q, r$ are distinct primes or distinct prime powers.


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