in Verbal Aptitude retagged by
3 votes
3 votes

Kathy owns more cats than Alice and more dogs than Bruce. Alice owns more dogs than Kathy and fewer cats than Bruce. Which of the statements must be true?

  1. Bruce owns the fewest cats.
  2. Bruce owns the most cats.
  3. Kathy owns the most cats.
  4. Alice owns the most dogs.
in Verbal Aptitude retagged by

2 Answers

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$\text{Kathy owns more cats than Alice and more dogs than Bruce}$


$\text{Alice owns more dogs than Kathy and fewer cats than Bruce}$


So, we get a relation among Alice, Bruce & Kathy regarding dogs:


For cats we need the information for Bruce and Kathy who have more or fewer cats but it is sure that Alice has less cats from them.

So, Alice owns the most dogs.
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Statement 1 : Kathy owns more cats than Alice

Statement 2 : Kathy owns more dogs than Bruce

Statement 3 : Alice owns more dogs than Kathy

Statement 4 :  Bruce owns more cats than Alice

From Statements 2 and 3, we can conclude that Alice owns more dogs than both Kathy and Bruce. From Statement 4, we can conclude that answer (A) is not true. From Statements 1 and 4, we can conclude that both Kathy and Bruce own more cats than Alice. However, we cannot determine if Kathy owns more cats than Bruce, or vice versa Bruce, or vice versa. Therefore, we cannot conclude that (B) or (C) must be true.
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