in CO and Architecture retagged by
9 votes
9 votes

Suppose we use $\textsf{IEEE-754}$ single precision floating point format to represent the numbers in binary. What will be the hexadecimal representation of $-2^{-146}?$

  1. $\textsf{0x80000004}$
  2. $\textsf{0x80000008}$
  3. $\textsf{0x80000010}$
  4. $\textsf{0x80000002}$
in CO and Architecture retagged by


The original question can be found at the following source: Berkeley PDF, Page 2, Q2.



$ \large{\colorbox{yellow}{Detailed video solution of this question with direct time stamp}}$

All India Mock Test 4 - Solutions Part 1


2 Answers

11 votes
11 votes

The original question can be found at the following source: Berkeley PDF, Page 2, Q2.


Considering \(2^{-146} < 2^{-126},\) we are dealing with a denormalized number.

Important Note:There are two formulas applicable for IEEE 754 Single Precision –

\text{1. Formula for Normalized Numbers:}
(-1)^{\text{sign}} \times 1.\text{significand} \times 2^{\text{Stored Exponent} - 127}
\text{2. Formula for Denormalized Numbers:}
(-1)^{\text{sign}} \times 0.\text{significand} \times 2^{-126}

Given the magnitude of the number \(-2^{-146},\) it falls within the denormalized category. In mathematical terms, if the magnitude of a number is strictly less than \(2^{-126},\) it is classified as a denormalized number.

Now, let's explore the significance of \(2^{-126}.\)
Why we are fixing \(2^{-126} \) for denorms ?

To answer this, consider the least positive number storable in normalized form.

Formula for Normalized Numbers: \[(-1)^{\text{sign}} \times 1.\text{significand} \times 2^{\text{Stored Exponent} - 127}.\]

For the least positive normalized number:
- Sign = 0 (positive)
- Significand (or mantissa or fraction) = all zeros
- Stored Exponent should be the least but cannot be all zeros (normalized numbers cannot have all zeros or all ones); hence, it should be 0000 0001.

Therefore, the least positive normalized number is EXACTLY equal to  \(2^{-126}.\) It is the boundary where normalized numbers ends, and denormalized numbers starts. (jaha normalized ki range khatam hoti h waha se denomalralised ki boundary shuru hoti h.)

Hence, "-126" is a clever choice for denormalized numbers.

Formula for Denormalized Numbers: \[(-1)^{\text{sign}} \times 0.\text{significand} \times 2^{-126}.\]

The number we aim to store is: $ -2^{-146} $.

\[ -2^{-146} = - 2^{-20} \times 2^{-126} \]  \[ -2^{-146} = - 2^{-20} \times 2^{-126} = (-1)^{1} \times2^{-20} \times 2^{-126}\]
\[= (-1)^{1} \times 0.000...01000 \times 2^{-126}.\]

\hline \text{sign} & \text{exponent} & \text{mantissa} \\

\[ \text{sign} = 1 \text{ (negative number)},\]
\[ \text{exponent} = 0 \text{ (for denormalized numbers)},\]
\[ \text{mantissa} = 000...01000 \text{ (for } 2^{-20}  ).\]

\[ \text{Putting it all together:} \quad \begin{array}{|l|l|l|} \hline \text{1} & \text{00..000} & \text{000...01000} \\ \hline \end{array} \]



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how did you get 1000 for 2^(-20) ?

2^(-20)= 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 000 (23 bits for single point representation for mantissa).

When representing fractional part in binary,we move towards the right.

5 votes
5 votes

This is talking about the IEEE 754 denormalized form

in denormalized form we write number as $+/-0.frac\times 2^{-126}$ with the exponent being all 0s

146-126=20 so 1 will be at $20^{th}$ position

that is given number can be written as $-0.0000$ $0000$ $0000$ $0000$ $0001$ $000\times2^{-126}$

in IEEE 754 we have

sign (1 bit) exponent (8 bits)

fraction (23 bit)


given number can be represented as

1 000 0000 0 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000



denormalized form help in representing really small number without using more bits other form of representation forms

there are other special numbers in IEEE 754 standard for NaN and $+/-\infty$


IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic

wikipedia IEEE_754-1985


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bias is calculated by using the formula: 2(n-1) – 1

here n = 8

so bias should be 27-1 = 127

why you have taken 126 as your bias?

And by taking bias as 127, answer is coming out to be option C



in normalized form we take bias as 127 is true

but here it is the case of denormalized form so it is by definition $0.frac\times2^{-126}$ it is defined like that

by using normalized form we cant represent numbers smaller that $2^{-126}$(by magnitude)


If the exponent is all zeros, but the mantissa is not (else it would be interpreted as zero), then the value is a denormalized number, which does not have an assumed leading one before the binary point. Thus, this represents a number (-1)^s x 0.m x 2^-126, where s is the sign bit and m is the stored mantissa. From this you can interpret zero as a special type of denormalized number.

you can find it in the referenced provided

in the usual normalized form if you conside bias $-147+127=-20$  but you can represent onky numbers from 0-255 in the unsigned 8 bit efponent field so it is not possible to use normalized form


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