in Quantitative Aptitude recategorized by
8 votes
8 votes
In her last basketball game, Jackie scored 36 points. These points raised the average (mean) number of points that she scored per game from 20 to 21. To raise this average to 22 points, how many points must Jackie score in her next game?
  1. 38
  2. 22
  3. 23
  4. 36
in Quantitative Aptitude recategorized by

1 Answer

5 votes
5 votes
Suppose that Jackie had played $n$ games before her last game.

Since she scored an average of 20 points per game over these $n$ games, then she scored $20 n$ points over these $n$ games.

In her last game, she scored 36 points and so she has now scored $20 n+36$ points in total. But, after her last game, she has now played $n+1$ games and has an average of 21 points scored per game.

Therefore, we can also say that her total number of points scored is $21(n+1)$.

Thus, $21(n+1)=20 n+36$ or $21 n+21=20 n+36$ and so $n=15$.

This tells us that after 16 games, Jackie has scored $20(15)+36=336$ points.

For her average to be 22 points per game after 17 games, she must have scored a total of $17 \cdot 22=374$ points.

This would mean that she must score $374-336=38$ points in her next game.

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