in Verbal Aptitude recategorized by
3 votes
3 votes
Select the grammatically incorrect sentence from the options given.
  1. The case holding the plates are broken.
  2. Either Ravi or Reena is attempting to come today.
  3. Both Ali and Anjana will have to take the test.
  4. The overall sentiment in the office is negative regarding the reports.
in Verbal Aptitude recategorized by

2 Answers

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Best answer

The grammatically incorrect sentence is: Option (A). The case holding the plates are broken.

The reason is Subject-verb agreement. The subject is "The case," which is singular. Therefore, the verb should also be singular, which is "is." In the given sentence, "are" is used, making Option A incorrect.

The correct sentence is: The case holding the plates is broken.

The other sentences are grammatically correct:

  • Option (B): Either Ravi or Reena is attempting to come today. (Subject-verb agreement is correct: "Either" is treated as singular here.)
  • Option (C): Both Ali and Anjana will have to take the test. (Subject-verb agreement is correct: "Both" is treated as plural here.)
  • Option (D): The overall sentiment in the office is negative regarding the reports. (No subject-verb agreement issue, "sentiment" is the subject and "is" is the correct verb.)
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Option A)

The correct sentence would be: " The case holding the plates is broken."

Plates are plural but the case is singular so 'is' must be used and not 'are'.

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