in Quantitative Aptitude edited by
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5 votes

​​​​The pie charts depict the shares of various power generation technologies in the total electricity generation of a country for the years $2007$ and $2023$.

The renewable sources of electricity generation consist of Hydro, Solar and Wind. Assuming that the total electricity generated remains the same from $2007$ to $2023$, what is the percentage increase in the share of the renewable sources of electricity generation over this period?

  1. $25 \%$
  2. $50 \%$
  3. $77.5 \%$
  4. $62.5 \%$
in Quantitative Aptitude edited by

3 Answers

2 votes
2 votes
% increase in (H,S,W) = (New -  Old) * 100/Old

= {(20 + 35 + 10) - (30 + 5 + 5)} * 100 / (30+5+5)

= 25*100/40 = 62.5%
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Assume that 100 units of electricity is generated every year from 2007 to 2023

Electricity generated from renewable resources in 2007 = 30 + 5 + 5 = 40 units

Electricity generated from renewable resources in 2023 = 35 + 20 + 10 = 65 units

Percentage increase in share of renewable resources in electricity generation from 2007 to 2023

= (65 - 40)/40 * 100

= 62.5%

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