in IISc/IITs
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Hello, I have scored AIR 210 in gate CSE 2024 & Gate Score 819. I belong to OBC-NCL category. What are my chances to get IITB and IITD for M.Tech CSE TA program (2 yrs)?
What should be my preference order for M.Tech CSE (TA - 2 year) program in the top 7-8 IITs?

in IISc/IITs

1 Answer

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Congratulations on your excellent performance in GATE CSE 2024! With an All India Rank (AIR) of 210 and a Gate Score of 819, you have a strong chance of securing admission in top institutes for the M.Tech CSE program.

Regarding your chances of getting into IIT Bombay (IITB) and IIT Delhi (IITD) for M.Tech CSE TA program, it's important to note that admission criteria can vary each year based on various factors including the number of applicants, their scores, and the availability of seats. However, your rank and score are quite competitive, especially in the OBC-NCL category, increasing your chances of securing admission in these prestigious institutes. Nevertheless, it's always advisable to keep backup options in mind.

As for your preference order for M.Tech CSE (TA - 2 year) program in the top 7-8 IITs, it's crucial to consider factors such as faculty expertise, research opportunities, infrastructure, campus life, and geographical location. Here's a general preference order you can consider:

1. IIT Bombay (IITB)

2. IIT Delhi (IITD)

3. IIT Madras (IITM)

4. IIT Kanpur (IITK)

5. IIT Kharagpur (IITKGP)

6. IIT Roorkee (IITR)

7. IIT Guwahati (IITG)

8. IIT Hyderabad (IITH)

However, your preference order may vary based on your personal preferences and career goals. It's advisable to thoroughly research each institute and its M.Tech CSE program, considering factors that matter most to you.

Additionally, it's a good idea to keep track of the admission process and important dates for each institute to ensure you don't miss any deadlines. Good luck with your admissions!

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