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ISRO2014-48 / GATE Overflow for GATE CSE
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3 votes
3 votes

A frame buffer array is addressed in row major order for a monitor with pixel locations starting from $(0,0)$ and ending with $(100,100).$ What is address of the pixel $(6,10)?$ Assume one bit storage per pixel and starting pixel location is at $0.$

  1. $1016$
  2. $1006$
  3. $610$
  4. $616$
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4 Answers

Best answer
12 votes
12 votes

Address of pixel (6,10) in row major order is,

= 0 + 1((6 - 0) +101 (10 - 0))

= 1016

(For pixel calculation address in row major order , use logic of how to find address of array element in column major order .)

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1 votes
1 votes

Column Major System:

The address of a location in Column Major System is calculated using the following formula:

Address of A [ I ][ J ] = B + W * [  ( I – Lr ) + M*( J – Lc ) ]

A[6][10] = 0 + 1[(6-0) +100*10] = 1016

Answer is A

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0 votes
0 votes
Let’s imagine the frame buffer to be a matrix of 100x100, so we define this as 2d array in C(or any language for that matter), note that the size of the array should be actually array[101][101] since we need to store 100, this is from the fact that if you need to store a single element in a array you need to declare it as array[1] and not array[0] which would not make sense, right?

Now we have maximum rows = maximum colums = 101. So we can get the address of element by using row-major order.


Case 1: Row Major Order

Address = Base Adress + Size of Single Element * (Row * Maximum Row Value) + Column

So, we have,

0 + 1 * (6 * 101) + 10 = 616


Case 2: Column Major Order

Address = Base Address + Size of Single Element * (Column * Maximum Column Value) + Row

So, we have,

0 + 1 * (10 * 101) + 6 = 1016

I have no clue what is the answer, some website says it’s 616 and some say it’s 1016. If anyone have any ideas, please comment below. I really would like to know.

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Total PHP MySQL Other RAM
Time (ms) % Time (ms) % File count Time (ms) % Query count Time (ms) % Amount %
Setup 4.6 8% 3.0 5% 72 1.8 3% 2 0.0 0% 569k 31%
Control 20.4 37% 2.4 4% 5 18.4 33% 12 0.0 0% 533k 29%
View 6.0 10% 6.0 10% 12 0.0 0% 0 0.0 0% 258k 14%
Theme 18.7 34% 6.5 11% 15 12.3 22% 3 0.0 0% 456k 25%
Stats 5.0 9% 0.1 0% 0 4.9 9% 1 0.0 0% 0k 0%
Total 54.6 100% 18.0 32% 104 37.5 68% 18 0.0 0% 1818k 100%