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Equivalence class partitioning approach is used to divide the input domain into a set of equivalence classes, so that if a program works correctly for all the other values in that class. This is used _____

  1. to partition the program in the form of classes
  2. to reduce the number of test cases required
  3. for designing the test cases in the white box testing
  4. all of the above
in IS&Software Engineering recategorized by

1 Answer

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ans is B

Equivalence partitioning (also called Equivalence Class Partitioning or ECP[1]) is a software testing technique that divides the input data of a software unit into partitions of equivalent data from which test cases can be derived. In principle, test cases are designed to cover each partition at least once. This technique tries to define test cases that uncover classes of errors, thereby reducing the total number of test cases that must be developed. An advantage of this approach is reduction in the time required for testing a software due to lesser number of test cases.

Equivalence partitioning is typically applied to the inputs of a tested component, but may be applied to the outputs in rare cases. The equivalence partitions are usually derived from the requirements specification for input attributes that influence the processing of the test object.


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