in Digital Logic recategorized by
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3 votes

Given that $(292)_{10} = (1204)_x$ in some number system $x$. The base $x$ of that number system is

  1. 2
  2. 8
  3. 10
  4. None of the above
in Digital Logic recategorized by

3 Answers

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Best answer


 2*10+ 9*10 + 2 = x+ 2*x2 + 0 + 4

200 + 90 + 2 = x3 + 2x2 + 4

x3 + 2x2 - 288 = 0 

solution for x = 6

none of the option satisfy the equation. 

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4 votes
4 votes

(1204) x = 1*x 3 + 2* x 2 + 0 * x + 4 = x3+2x2+4=292


x2(x+2) = 288

//Rather than solving x, it will be easier to check given options. In time stringent exams, this approach will behelpful

A. 2 2 (2+2) = 4* 6=24 ≠ 288

B. 8 2 (8+2) =64*100 =6400≠ 288

C. 10 2 (10+2) =100*12 =1200 ≠ 288

answer (D)

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0 votes

Ans. can not be 2, because the given nos. are not in the form of “0” and “1”. Also, it can not be 10, because number is given in decimal number system itself..!! Thus, only test is to be done for the value 8.

Thus, (292)10 will give (444)8 on octal conversion & therefore ans. is none of the above.


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